Ovarian Cysts
What are ovarian cysts?
Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can be found in one or both ovaries and are a common by-product of ovulation or an unsuccessful attempt at ovulation.
What causes ovarian cysts?
- Hormone imbalance
- Stress
- Endometriosis
Are there different types of cysts?
Yes. The most common cysts are called functional cysts. These are benign and are one of two types:
- Follicular cysts – as an egg is developing it is encased in a follicle. Normally around mid-cycle the follicle opens and releases the fully developed egg. If it fails to release the egg, it may stay on the ovary as a cyst.
- Corpus Luteum cysts – after releasing the egg, the residual egg follicle becomes a progesterone-secreting structure called the corpus luteum. This is normal. Sometimes the corpus luteum closes up into a sac and becomes a cyst. These usually resolve on their own, but they can bleed, twist the ovary or cause pain.
Other types of cysts include:
- Endometriomas – these are endometriosis cysts on the ovaries. Endometriomas are the rare occasion when endometriosis can be seen on ultrasound.
- Hemorrhagic cysts – these are cysts that bleed into the cyst and sometimes are in fact endometriomas.
- Dermoid cysts – these are cysts that can be present at birth and contain solid structures like teeth, hair or skin.
Do cysts need to be surgically removed?
Not usually. Most cysts will go away on their own. Having an ovarian cyst is rarely an emergency. Cysts that may require surgery include:
- Hemorrhagic cysts that are causing significant blood loss and anemia.
- Cysts causing significant pain that cannot be controlled with over-the-counter medication.
Does having an ovarian cyst mean I have PCOS?
Not necessarily, but if you have other symptoms of PCOS (irregular periods, excessive facial hair, acne, head hair loss, infertility, acanthosis nigricans) and an ovarian cyst, that possibility should be thoroughly investigated with PCOS tests and ruled out.
Does having cysts mean I am infertile?
Not necessarily, although the conditions that caused a cyst to form may also contribute to infertility. Two conditions that contribute to cyst formation and that are associated with most female fertility problems are endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
What is the naturopathic treatment for ovarian cysts?
As with anything with naturopathic medicine we address the root cause of the condition. There are a variety of natural treatments to restore healthy hormone balance, and to treat endometriosis and PCOS.
For help with this or any other health problem, book an appointment here or call the office for more information at 416-481-0222. I can give you tailored advice in person or virtually if you are anywhere in Ontario. If you are elsewhere, I can’t provide personalized treatment, but you can get general information about natural approaches for PCOS in my ebook here.
by Dr. Pamela Frank, BSc(Hons), ND
Dr. Pamela has practiced as a naturopathic doctor in Toronto since 1999. She has received numerous “Best Naturopath in Toronto” awards. She is registered with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario.
Dr. Pamela Frank uses a natural treatment approach that may include acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, diet, vitamins, supplements, and other natural remedies to restore balance and provide long-term resolution to almost any health problem.