Tired All the Time?

tired woman yawning with fatigue

If you have no energy, you’re tired, never wake up feeling refreshed or you have fatigue after any amount of effort, there are a few possible root causes:

  1. Underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism – you need a blood test for TSH, free T3 and free t4 to check this and even if these are normal, you may have a condition known as Hashimoto’s, where these blood levels are normal but the thyroid is being attacked by your immune system.  The tests for that include anti-TPO and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies.
  2. Allergies – having your immune system in overdrive to fight dust or pollen is tiring!  Balancing the immune system can relieve allergy symptoms naturally.
  3. Low ferritin – storage iron is called ferritin.  Optimal levels are above 60, although many labs will consider it normal above 12. Knowing your numbers will help you to know if your tiredness is due to low iron.
  4. Underactive adrenal glands – these underappreciated glands sit atop your kidneys and perform a number of functions including regulating blood pressure and blood sugar.  The hormones they produce can also help you have energy, drive and motivation.  Blood tests for adrenals include cortisol, DHEAs and testosterone.

I can help test for and resolve all of the above with natural medicine.  You can book an appointment for my help here: Book Now.

Hashimoto’s Autoimmume Thyroiditis

What is Hashimoto’s?

It is an auto-immune thyroid disease, where the body is producing antibodies that are attacking the thyroid.

How would I know if I have Hashimoto’s?

If you have been diagnosed as hypothyroid, you may have Hashimoto’s.  If you have several of the symptoms listed below you may also have Hashimoto’s.

What are the symptoms of Hashimoto’s?

Tiredness, brain fog, body aches, weight gain, hair loss, depression, constipation, infertility or recurrent miscarriage, irregular periods, slow metabolism, and feeling cold all the time.  Often thyroid disease that runs in families is due to Hashimoto’s.

Is there a blood test for Hashimoto’s?

Yes, there is a blood test to diagnose it, but it’s not often done.  Why?  Because your medical doctor is going to treat your underactive thyroid the same way whether you thyroid is low from Hashimoto’s or not, so there’s no point in running a test that won’t affect his/her treatment.

Is there a medication for Hashimoto’s?

Yes, it’s the same medication given to anyone who is hypothyroid, most often thyroid hormone replacement therapy with thyroxine, called Synthroid or Eltroxin.

Does this relieve all of the symptoms of Hashimoto’s?

Sometimes, but not always.  Remember that Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune problem, replacing the thyroid hormone doesn’t change the fact that there is an autoimmune disease going on. Autoimmune conditions are tiring because your own immune system is fighting your body. Imagine how you feel when you’re first coming down with a cold or flu, pretty tired, huh?  Well imagine your immune system in overdrive like that all the time and how tiring that could be day in and day out.

What causes Hashimoto’s?

Good question and one for which there isn’t yet a clear cut answer.  With any autoimmune disorder there are a number of factors that may have set the immune system off on this destructive path:

  1. A latent viral or bacterial infection
  2. Dysbiosis in the gut
  3. Food allergies or sensitivities
  4. Stress
  5. Compromised adrenal glands

How can we fix these?

  1. Anti-viral and anti-bacterial herbs can fend off low lying infections
  2. Removing unhealthy organisms from the gut with anti-microbials like berberine, garlic, oregano oil etc and restoring healthy gut bacteria with probiotics
  3. Test for (by blood test) and remove food sensitivities caused by IgG antibodies
  4. Reduce stress through exercise, yoga, meditation, massage therapy, tai chi, reading a book etc.
  5. Support normal healthy function of the adrenal glands with vitamin B5, B6, C, zinc, magnesium and adaptogenic herbs like ashwaganda, rhodiola, schisandra and ginseng.