Can PCOS Women be Thin?

Absolutely!  If your doctor has told you that you don’t have PCOS because you don’t “look like it”, then he or she is wrong.  You cannot diagnose PCOS or rule it out based on what someone looks like.  You can have a suspicion that a woman has PCOS if she’s overweight, has acne, thinning head hair and excess facial hair, but even then there are other conditions that need to be investigated such as adrenal hyperplasia. Up to 40% of PCOS women are thin.  Does that mean that these women aren’t insulin resistant?  Not necessarily, even thin women with PCOS can be insulin resistant.  Confusing isn’t it?  Sometimes, partly because everyone is different and PCOS can manifest many different ways and have several different root causes.  This is why it’s best to consult with someone who is well versed in PCOS, not all family doctors or even endocrinologists are.

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